The Brazilian Journal of Neurosurgery – JBNc (ISSN print 0103-5118, ISSN online 2446-6786) is an online journal published by the Academia Brasileira de Neurocirurgia. The journal is fully open access, peer reviewed and accepts submissions written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Accepted contributions are published in a quarterly issue-based model with four issues per year, and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. JBNc does not charge submission or publication fees.
Section specific requirements
Submissions must follow the limits and specific requirements outlined on the table below, according to their section.
Section | Abstract | Text sections | Text length | Tables & Figures | References (max) |
Original article | structured not exceeding 200 word | introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion and references | 4000 words | 10 | 75 |
Review (preferably systematic review) | non-structured not exceeding 200 words | introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references | 4000 words | 10 | 75 |
Case Report (preferably with systematic rev << | non-structured not exceeding 200 words | introduction (with brief literature review), clinical case presentation, discussion, final comments and references | 3500 words | 8 | 45 |
Brief Note | non-structured not exceeding 200 words | no requirement | 1500 words | 3 | 30 |
Clinical Images | non-structured not exceeding 200 words | no requirement | 1500 words | 5 | 30 |
In the Introduction section we state the motivation for the work presented in the manuscript. Its contents could be: 1) context (to orient readers who are less familiar with the topic and to establish the importance of the manuscript), 2) need (to state the need for the work, as an opposition between what the scientific community currently has and what it wants), 3) task (to indicate what was done in the effort to address the need), and 4) object of the document (to prepare the readers for its structure).
Clinical case presentation
Patient’s clinical data in comprehensive account of the presenting features, with medical, and social, family history, if needed are presented. All crucial investigations to the management of decisions should be discussed. Images of the case: Choose appropriate images being aware of removing any detail that can identify the patient. If relevant, describe the treatment or surgery. Outcomes and follow-up are described elsewhere.
In Materials and Methods section, the technical specifications and quantities and source or method of preparation are described. Attention to the use only scientific names of drugs; inclusion of the manufacturer in brackets when describing equipment. Discuss statistical methods if needed.
In Results section, the results of the paper are presented in logical order, using tables and graphs as necessary. Remember that results must be presented and then explained. The results are explained showing how they help to answer the research questions (already cited in the Introduction section).
In Discussion section, the principles, relationships and generalizations shown by the results are presented. Also, exceptions or lack of correlations are pointed out. The authors show how their results agree or disagree with previously published papers, and discuss the theoretical implications as well as practical applications of the paper, and the significance of their results.
In Conclusions section the most important outcome of the work is stated, and interpretation of the findings also. If the authors have succeeded, or not, in addressing the need stated in the Introduction is reported here.
Product names
If any product is cited in the manuscript the usage of ® or ™, and manufacturer data are mandatory. Use only scientific names of drugs. Include the manufacturer in brackets when describing equipment.
Units of measurement
Units of measurements should follow the primary language used (Portuguese/Spanish or English).
Abbreviations and symbols
Abbreviatons should follow the first mention of the term in the manuscript. The list of abbreviations is waived.
Footnotes are used only in Tables/Boxes
Although the use of color is permitted, it is important that authors (or professionals hired for editing) make an effort to ensure that the use of color does not impair understanding for readers with some form of visual impairment. We recommend consulting the following resources before preparing figures or tables using colors:
Graphs, photographs, diagrams, illustrations, and similar content should be referred to as figures (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, Figures 1, 2, 5-7) in ascending order according to their appearance in the text. Authors are strongly advised to adhere to the guidelines specified in the 'Use of Colors' and 'Preparation and Manipulation of Figures' sections below, in line with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations.
When using arrows, symbols, letters, or numbers to highlight specific parts of the figures, authors must clearly describe their purpose in the corresponding figure caption. Additionally, in compliance with privacy concerns and ICMJE recommendations for the protection of research participants, images containing photographs of people must ensure that individuals cannot be identified unless their explicit permission for publication has been obtained. This ensures the protection of individual privacy and aligns with ethical standards in scholarly publication.
Preparation and manipulation of figures
We strongly recommend that authors (or professionals hired for editing) follow the guidelines outlined below.
Resolution and formats
Graphics, photographs, diagrams, illustrations, etc., should be submitted in TIFF or JPG formats, with high resolution (see recommended minimum image sizes below). Consider whether the figure will be published occupying the full width of the page or column, and then ensure that it allows for the perfect readability of all texts and symbols used.
Recommended minimum image sizes:
Editing and manipulation
When preparing your images, be careful when using filters or other types of editing to include highlights, etc. Images should not be manipulated or adjusted excessively in a way that could lead to misinterpretation of the information.
The following recommendations must be observed:
Additionally, we strongly encourage authors (or professionals hired for editing) to observe and follow these additional recommendations:
Never build tables using spaces or tabs. Tables and Boxes must be created using the text editor built-in table creation tool and follow the following guidelines:
Table captions and footnotes
Captions should be explanatory, starting with the identification in bold (Table 1, Table 2, Tables 1, 2, 5-7, etc.), followed by a period and descriptive text. Explanation about acronyms or other information must be done using symbols (*, ‡, §, ∤, #, ¢, £, etc.), letters, numbers, etc., and be inserted in the footer of the table.
Every table must include an indication of the source and citations whenever relevant, and authors are responsible for obtaining the correct authorization for use (or adaptation of data) from other sources, as appropriate, directly from the copyright owner.
References List
References should adhere to the Vancouver system. List all references in consecutive order as they appear in the text. For publications with up to six authors, list all authors. For publications with more than six authors, list the first six followed by 'et al.'. Whenever available insert the PMIDs (PubMed identifier) and the full DOI URL (e.g.,[...]). Personal communications should not be included in the references list but may be mentioned in the text.
For examples and detailed guidelines, refer to the "Samples of formatted references for authors of journal articles" available at
Authors that have deposited their data in a public data repository must cite and include a full reference providing a direct link (preferably a DOI) to the dataset.
📑 References Citation
In the text, cite references in consecutive order using Arabic numerals (1,2,3...) in superscripT 1,2,3. Ensure that each citation corresponds accurately to a numbered reference in the references list (in citation order). This system allows readers to locate the source easily in the references list.
Submission checklist
Before submitting your manuscript to the Brazilian Journal of Neurosurgery (JBNc), please ensure that you have followed all policies and instructions detailed in our submission guidelines. Carefully review each of the following items in the checklist to ensure a thorough and compliant submission:
Please review each of these components carefully to ensure compliance with our standards. Complete and accurate submission of these documents is essential for the effective handling of your manuscript.
Required files
As part of your submission to the Brazilian Journal of Neurosurgery (JBNc), you are required to upload various files. Each file serves a specific purpose in the submission and review process. Please refer to the table below for a detailed overview of the required files, their designations, filenames, and the necessity of each file.
File designation | Filename | Required? |
Title page | titlepage.docx | Yes. |
Cover letter | coverletter.docx | Yes. |
Main manuscript | manuscript.docx | Yes. |
Original figure | figure1.jpg, figure2.jpg etc. | Yes, if images are used. |
Disclosure forms | | Yes. |
License agreement | agreement.pdf | Yes. |
Reporting guideline files | care-checklist.pdf, prisma-checklist.pdf etc. | Yes, depending on the type of work. |
Revision comments file | revisioncomments.pdf | Yes, when sending the revised version of your manuscript. |
Please ensure that each file is prepared according to the guidelines provided below. Accurate and complete file submission is crucial for the efficient processing and review of your manuscript.
✅ Title page
Filename: titlepage.docx (Template)
The title page is a critical component of your submission and should include the following information, organized clearly and in order:
✅ Cover letter
Filename: coverletter.docx
The cover letter should introduce your manuscript and explain its importance to the field of neurosurgery. It must include a declaration that the work is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration by any other journal. The letter should briefly outline the major findings of your study and how they contribute to the existing knowledge. Additionally, any potential conflicts of interest or important points not covered in the manuscript or in other submission files should be disclosed. The cover letter is also an opportunity to suggest preferred or opposed reviewers and to provide any other information that may assist the editorial process.
✅ Main manuscript file
Filename: manuscript.docx
The main manuscript file must NOT contain any data from the institution or the authors.
The main manuscript file must contain TITLE, ABSTRACT and the full text and be structured according to the requirements described in our Section Policies and the Manuscript preparation guidelines section.
Please also make sure to follow all of our instructions for authors.
✅ Original figures files
Filename: figure1.jpg, figure2.jpg etc.
Each figure must be submitted as a separate file. Ensure that all figures are of high resolution and clearly labeled to correspond with their citations in the manuscript text.
Please also make sure each figure adheres to the journal's guidelines for figure preparation, including any specifications for file format, resolution, and size.
✅ Disclosure forms
Filename: (ICMJE Disclosure of Interest Template)
This file should contain completed disclosure forms for all authors, declaring any potential conflicts of interest. These forms are essential for maintaining transparency and upholding the integrity of the publication process. Ensure that each author's form is included and that all information is current and accurate.
Please also make sure that each author reviews and follows our authorship and ethics policies.
Attention: Each author must fill and sign their own disclosure form individually.
✅ License agreement
Filename: agreement.pdf (Template)
All authors must sign the Authorship Responsibility and License Agreement. By signing this form, the authors accept that they have contributed significantly to the work, agree to the terms of publication, and grant the journal the necessary publishing rights. This agreement is crucial for copyright management and clarifies the permissions for reproducing and distributing the work.
✅ Reporting guideline files
Filename: care-checklist.pdf, prisma-checklist.pdf etc.
For manuscripts that follow specific reporting guidelines such as CARE for case reports or PRISMA for systematic reviews, the corresponding completed checklist must be submitted. This ensures adherence to the highest standards of transparency and detail in reporting. The checklist should be filled out comprehensively, indicating where in the manuscript each guideline item is addressed. The filename should clearly correspond to the relevant guideline.
Please also make sure to review and follow our reporting guidelines policies.
✅ Revision comments file
Filename: revisioncomments.pdf
In response to the editorial review, authors must submit a file detailing how they have addressed each comment or suggestion. This file should systematically list the reviewers' and editors' comments, followed by the authors' response and explanation of the corresponding changes made in the manuscript. The document should be structured to make it easy for reviewers and editors to verify that all feedback has been considered and appropriately addressed.
Please also make sure to review and follow our peer review process.